Rainbow Reiki® Light Body
What is the light body?
The light body of a being connects its material existence with the individual’s spiritual existence.
spiritual existence. The better the resonance with the matrix of the light body, the easier the spiritual
spiritual development. Among other things, intuition, extrasensory perception
perception and all kinds of spiritual healing work so much better. The subtle stirrings of the soul
soul are perceived more easily and gain a valuable clarity and loving presence.
Only with light body work can a spiritual awakening, a smooth, beneficial process of enlightenment be brought about.
process of enlightenment. A healthy, natural resonance is created between the material
part of a being to its spiritual part.
What makes Rainbow Reiki® light body work special
Rainbow Reiki®, together with the appropriate tools of spiritual energy work
from Lemuria, offers a safe and effective way to bring the matrix of the material body into optimal resonance with the matrix of spiritual existence into an optimal resonance.
With this seminar you will enter a completely new world of spiritual energy work with Reiki.
Through the initiation into various Lemurian symbols and mantras you will be empowered to heal on
levels, to promote the development of the personality and to restore the divine sense, which even experienced
which even experienced esotericists of other schools are usually unaware of.
It is about consciously promoting the development of the light body as well as the areas of the
energy system that work closely with it. In other esoteric schools, this often requires
often require several decades of rigorous practice to achieve something similar to the toolbox taught in
toolbox taught in this seminar.
Establishing a conscious connection with the personal Divine Self
At the same time, Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork is a very safe method of approaching your own Divine Self.
Divine Self. This is the part of a being that is eternal, can never be hurt
and which belongs directly to the infinite life principle called creative power.
Since in Lemuria light body work was part of the compulsory school education for several thousand years
education for several thousand years, the methods originating from this tradition are very mature and go far beyond
and go far beyond what was developed and used in China, India, Tibet, Nepal or Japan in the period after the fall of Lemuria.
Lemuria’s demise.
When I first taught Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork in India, the participants in my seminars could not
participants in my seminars could not believe how simple, powerful and risk-free this method is.
method is.
Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork – the turbocharger for the practical application of the
spiritual law of attraction
Whatever you want to achieve in life, using the methods of Rainbow Reiki®
Light Bodywork, your plans will be more easily aligned with the Divine Order and
be implemented in a holistically beneficial way.
Because through an increased functionality of the light body and an optimized connection to the
the rest of the human energy system, such as the main and secondary chakras, you can avoid
serious mistakes in important decisions in life can be avoided through good intuition and
the promotion of “lucky coincidences”.
Positive life factors and spiritual forces are also strengthened. Life does not mean
not suffering, but loving, learning and laughing. To come closer to this goal means to find one’s
own divine identity in the world of matter. After all
to walk the path of the soul – not that of the ego.
With Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork, a new, miracle-filled stage of your path begins.
section of your path. The possibilities of this seminar are not only limited to spiritual healing
spiritual healing – they promote the direct development of your material self towards your divinity and
systematically utilizable access to spiritual powers of the highest levels.
Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork can also be an effective help in spiritual crises,
even when all other means fail.
The motto of Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork…
Focus your attention on the Divine Light
and you will become it –
no shadow can exist when the light reaches it!
The contents of the Rainbow Reiki® Light Bodywork seminar in detail…
– An overview of the entire human energy system. From the meridians to the
chakras & auric fields to the level of the sacred mountains, the light body and the
personal angelic existence
– The functions of the 8th chakra (Bindu) and the 9th chakra (Nita)
– Initiation into the Rainbow Reiki symbols and mantras for the development and stabilization
of the 8th and 9th chakras
– The aura chakras and their functions
– Rainbow Reiki® energy work with the aura chakras
– The three Lemurian Rainbow Reiki symbols and mantras for direct energy work
with the light body
– Additional applications of the three Lemurian Rainbow Reiki symbols for spiritual healing and development
healing and development
– The Rainbow Reiki® light body meditation and its manifold effects for the development
the personal light matrix
– Special Rainbow Reiki® affirmations to support light body work with the
mental healing
Please note
This seminar does not replace diagnosis or therapy by a doctor
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