The 12 magical Nights after X-mas - your ritual for 2024 / 2025
Hello and welcome! The description below is from the last event. In the course of this year I will add the exact contents of the Raunächte series 2024/2025. Until then, you can make a note of the event if you are interested! I am already looking forward to a magical Raunächte time… it was so nice with you!
Magic is in the air
We are magical beings. We often forget that. But our power to work magic together with the angels belongs only to us.
Powerful, beautiful spiritual attunements facilitate rituals of healing for you and your loved ones.
I help you to design suitable Raunacht magic rituals. It’s fun and really makes your individual magic your own…
The 12 nights after X-mas
It’s actually a magical time. It’s a great time to turn inward and recharge your batteries. Consult oracles. Do magic. 12 nights. 12 subtle, easy-to-perform rituals to activate your magic and set the course for 2024.
The 12 nights after X-mas 2024…
Ideal for preparing your 2024 (work out kinks in advance!)
Set the seeds for the 12 months during the 12 nights after X-mas
Let go of unneeded stuff…
Invite new stuff!
Oracle wisdom as a preview to 2025
With Dan Mor
Initiation into shamanic rituals
12 sessions with the experienced Life Coach and spiritual teacher Dan Mor
Interesting oracle readings and beautiful impulses for your soul
Support by and rituals with light-beings
Let go of Karma
December, 25th, 9-10 PM
Important: the main initiation will happen here
December 26th – January 5th, 20 minutes every evening
Time for wisdom, meditations, clearings and sharing
A super event
bit not meant to replace diagnosis or therapy by your doctor
Will be announced
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