Rainbow Reiki® Clearing

22oct(oct 22)10:0023(oct 23)18:00Virtual EventRainbow Reiki® ClearingGive your energetic stowaways a first-class ticket into the Light!10:00 - 18:00 (23) View in my time



The permanent, gentle dissolution of destructive energetic attachments of all kinds.
Who hasn’t heard about it: occupations, curses, black magic influences – many people are afraid of it and don’t know what to think about it and how to deal with it.
Yet it is easy to recognize and eliminate such energetic problems – if you know how to do it.
This seminar provides the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and permanently eliminate destructive energetic attachments of all kinds, and to fully restore psychic and energetic integrity.



  • The spiritual psychohygiene: The meditation of the dissolution of the shadows.
  • Some theory: what are possessions, black magic, curses, eggregores?
  • The basic procedure of a Rainbow Reiki clearing
  • Harmonization of possessions using the chakra energy cards
  • Restoration of the integrity of the auric fields and the chakras can be done after the harmonization of an occupation.
  • Detection of occupations, curses and black magic influences both on psychological and energetic levels
  • Clarification of the personal openness to the disharmonious influences as well as the rehabilitation of these weak points of crucial importance
  • Developing centeredness, worldly openness, love, patience and understanding for the individual situation of the client in harmonizing disharmonious energetic influences as a life counselor
  • Giving voice to the energies and sending them into the light pillar of the angels
  • Constructive and professional handling of spiritual crises and energetic healing blockages





  • Rainbow Reiki® 1 and 2 or Usui Reiki 1 and 2



  • 420€ (incl VAT)
  • Incl. manual (PDF)
  • Certificate (PDF)


  • Zoom






